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2023 PEEL #5 St Johns

Jane Rizzo

poem by Margaret Gaggioli-Prichard photography by Margaret Gaggioli-Prichard
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A life lit through laughter. 

Childhood Memory. 
A comical outfit to match the undecided seasons awaiting.
Joyous laughter

Adolescent revelation. 
A choice to choose gentleness with ourselves as we grow.
Humble laughter

Motherhood provision. 
An inherited gift to imprint the young to guide them through life.
Loving laughter

Mature hardship. 
An unruly life that cannot always be reasoned.
Strengthening laughter

Compassionate Connection. 
A shared moment that binds one with another. 
Uniting laughter

Laughter, her companion in all walks of life.  
Laughter, her gift to others. 
Laughter, her thanksgiving for this vibrant life lived.
Jane Rizzo