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PEEL PROEJCT #1 Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church New Prague MN
Barb Warner
poem by
Emmy Will
photography by
Emmy Will
Emmy Will
poem by
Barb Warner
photography by
Barb Warner
Peyton Halverson
poem by
Gina Fadden
photography by
Gina Fadden
Rose Lancaster
poem by
Dennis Jasperson
photography by
Dennis Jasperson
Gina Fadden
poem by
Peyton Halverson
photography by
Peyton Halverson
Isabel Podratz
poem by
Samantha Halverson
photography by
Samantha Halverson
Grace Midtvedt
poem by
Luke Friendshuh
photography by
Luke Friendshuh
Luke Friendshuh
poem by
Grace Midtvedt
photography by
Grace Midtvedt
Dennis Jasperson
poem by
Rose Lancaster
photography by
Rose Lancaster
Samantha Halverson
poem by
Isabel Podratz
photography by
Isabel Podratz